Wednesday, July 26, 2017

If we must kill....

I have always fought against the death penalty. And, today, the debate rages from what death cocktail a state should use, with some causing cruel and unusual pain and extending the suffering hours longer than expected, to drug companies showing unusual respect for life and morality and discontinuing their supply. These drugs are expensive and hard to find. 

Some time ago I suggested openly that we be creative and use the heroin in hundreds of evidence rooms and simply give the condemned hot shot sufficient to kill. We have an epidemic of addicts easily doing this to themselves and the epicenter seems to be Ohio. I admit I do not know what the state does with this heroin after the trial concludes, but I don't see any obstacle to providing it for that state's use...possibly for a fee, which would be substantially lower than the cost of drugs used now, and provide that community with funding for their needs. Can we be this creative? 

 "On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done just as easily as lying down," - Woody Allen (1935 - ).

Monday, July 24, 2017

We are animals.

Scientists like to prove we're better...
Somehow different..., always better,
Cause we must not, can not, be 
Just an ANIMAL.

The opposable thumb separates...
For a while it did.
Then that didn't separate.

Use of tools separates...
For a while it did.
Then that didn't separate.

Now all that's seems...
All that separates is sex.
Cause we can do it on the phone. 

 Seems to me we are animals and prove it every day.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Another Little Trumpster

A small voice from below drifted into our apartment..."Granma, why do we have to walk way down this street to pick up my sister?"
"Because she's in school and it's our job every day after school."
"Why does she go to school??"
"Every child must go to school. It's how you'll learn things. In fact, next year you'll have to go, too."
"Why do I have to go??"
"So you can learn about things."
"I don't have to go!"
"Granma...I already know everything!"