Laurel Krause is a Facebook friend and I second the nomination of her sister, Allison, for mention and honor this Women's History Month:
JOIN ME in honoring Allison Krause for Women's History Month in 2011. Allison was a nineteen year old coed at Kent State University in 1970. On May 4th, in the national guard occupation of her campus, Allison was shot dead as she protested the Vietnam war. Sandy, Jeff & Bill were also killed and nine students were wounded in this action to suppress dissent against war in America. The incident triggered national outrage in a country already divided over the Vietnam war. In the days that followed more than four million students rose up in dissent across 900 campuses, generating the only nationwide student protest in U.S. history. The Kent State killings have never been thoroughly examined and no person or group has been held accountable for wrongdoing. Here's a poem on Allison published in the Congressional Record December 2010 and at my blog. Please read & learn ~ The Kent State Truth Tribunal was formed by Allison Krause's family to uncover, record and preserve the TRUTH at Kent State 1970 here ~ Watch this amazing video on Allison by Walter Theodore Wynn ~
Thank you Mike for standing and supporting Allison Krause. L.