"We are allowed to disagree but should be able to do so
freely and without fear of harm," said Sarah Sanders, after
she was confronted by someone who knew she lies all the
time. Shouldn't we as citizens expect the same from our
government? Blacks are never without fear of harm. Seniors
are not free of fear of harm when Social Security,
Medicare, and Medicaid are attacked. Our heroes in
the military are NEVER free of fear of harm, out of
country, training here, or once discharged and
hoping for help from the VA. Suck it up
- New conversation
someone who knows she lies all the time? That is an amazing statement. They must be at her side day and night. Not a word of truth from this woman? I wouldn't wish her job on my worst enemy and I believe she is doing her best with what she has to work with, all the totally honest people in the government (liberals and conservatives) and all the totally honest press??? Some people say things like this but never give proof of what they are stating as truth?