Monday, September 23, 2019

Humans and Being Humane

We humans are animals but we say it ain't so
Can't be an animal...can't be so low.
But all of our evils...all of our sins
Come from that truth...apes are our kin.

Just look at our faults...I searched in my soul
And found fear of the OTHER in ancient caves in my soul.
Anyone OTHER brings terror and hate
Which requires that I must fight hard to abate.

It takes real effort for us to change from that hate
Cause being racist and hateful is our do nothing state.
And millions do nothing...nothing at all
As Trump lies and berates like he's having a ball.

Why don't more people care...why don't we all shout!
I would really like to know what's that's all about.
We've had liars before inside the White House...
But seems like those folks were all called out.

Look...I don't need a President who's like a priest,
But I would like one who does right at least.
With supporters that won't cheer as he steals,
Or yells a put down, or asks us to drink bleach.

It ain't easy bein' good. We could all try harder.

Try harder, Donald.